Dental hygienist

A dental hygienist, this profession involves caring for the oral health of patients and educating them about proper oral hygiene. Dental hygienists perform activities such as scaling, sanding and varnishing teeth.

Tuition lasts for 2 years (4 semesters) and is provided on a full-time basis.

Code (digital symbol of the profession): 325102


  • Under the supervision of a doctor, carries out hygienic-preventive and dental health education activities in dental clinics, school hygiene offices, women’s and children’s clinics, health centres, etc.

Professional tasks:

  • organising and supervising, on the recommendation of a dentist, fluoride prevention campaigns for dental caries (in nurseries, kindergartens and schools), participating in orthodontic prophylaxis;
  • participating in preventive and epidemiological examinations carried out by the dental team;
  • carrying out, on the instructions of the dentist, hygienic and prophylactic procedures in the patient’s oral cavity (e.g. cleaning from dental deposits);
  • finishing amalgam fillings in children and adolescents, brushing teeth with fluoride and other solutions, rinsing the oral cavity with special equipment;
  • conducting and performing orthodontic exercises;
  • operating dental appliances and apparatus;
  • giving instructions, talks and individual advice to children, adolescents and parents on oral hygiene and proper diet
  • interacting in propaganda and prevention campaigns with parents, guardians of children, educators and teachers;

Additional professional tasks:

  • making newspapers, charts, organising competitions and other actions to promote dental health education in different environments (among children, adolescents and adults);
  • participating in or leading the activities of various societies and institutions for dental and oral health;
  • contacting central centres that publish literature and printed matter promoting dental health education;
  • carrying out health education on the prevention of dental caries, periodontal disease and health promotion.